As the experts in Los Angeles County, California trademark law, we can help you protect the images, words, and phrases you have created to brand your business.
Trademark law can be intimidating to tackle, and incredibly complex to work through if you do not have years of experience, qualifications, and training under your belt, and improperly completed application forms can cause major complications in successfully trademarking your ideas. Let Law Office of Lewis Brande take the stress out of the situation with our top of the line trademark law services.
While it is true that when you start using your ideas in a particular geographical market, you automatically acquire a local trademark for them. However, there are many advantages to trademark registration with the USPTO, and Law Office of Lewis Brande can help you get started.
The benefits can include:
It is even more difficult to understand trademark law on your own because state laws frequently diverge from one another, and trademark law is governed by both federal and state laws. We at Law Office of Lewis Brande are here to help you understand what it takes to protect your trademarks, the advantages of registering your ideas as trademarks, and more.
Your journey with trademark law will be straightforward and easy thanks to the expertise of our trademark attorneys. We know everything there is to know about trademark law and will be by your side every step of the way!
Feel free to ask any questions you may have about your business’ trademark or if you think you may need to register. Our attorneys are always standing by to help protect you! Call Law Office of Lewis Brande right away to find out more about our trademark law services in Los Angeles County, CA. We can go over our fees as well as arrange a free initial consultation to review your trademark situation.